The End for the Paper Pile

Uploading & tracking customer documents

Insurance certificates, boat safety forms, registration papers, passports and permits are just a few of the documents marinas get boaters to submit. Getting the hard copy or scan from the customer is the easy bit. What’s trickier is:

  • Making the document accessible for the whole team
  • Being confident that the documents you hold are in-date
  • Quickly identifying the latest version of a document

We are well past the era of riffling through wads of paper to find the right sheet. It is a total waste of your time, a waste of paper, and a waste of space. Spreadsheets and computer storage can only ever be workarounds.

Document management must be an integral part of the marina system if it’s going to make life easier for the team.

We’ve thought about how Marinalife Manager can help:


Add photos, images, Word docs and pdfs to any customer account with a simple upload tool. Or even send and append direct from email using our dedicated mail account. And with 1TB of storage as standard, there’s plenty of space for everything.

Any user can view, print or download documents at any time – even the night crew or team members working away from the office. Desktop, tablet or mobile.


Add an expiration date to time-critical documents like insurance certificates, and the big red ‘Expired!’ button will tell you all you need to know.

If you want to find documents due to expire, run the Document Expiry report. Set an expiry before or after date, and filter by document type.

Even more helpfully, create a Smart List that’ll automatically update every time you run it. Email, SMS or mail merge direct from the Smart List to every relevant contact simultaneously – making it easier to keep on top of customer reminders.

Version control

You don’t always want to delete old files – sometimes it’s useful to keep a record for reference. The challenge is identifying the right one in a long list.

When you upload a document, check the ‘Current Version’ option and superseded docs are automatically tagged as ‘Old Version’, even when they’re still in date. You can view the document list as a whole or just the current documents.

We’ve thought about it so you don’t have to.

Interested? Call us on (410) 752-0505 or email [email protected] and let’s talk about how we can help your marina team to work smarter and connect with customers.

